The FlexSol team is excited to announce the news of our move to a bigger, better and more sustainable office in Delft! The past few years was a roller-coaster of growth. To manage the growth we have decided to leave our previous location and move to a new building.
With the new location we are able to scale-up our activities, have more space for our advanced solar technology production facilities, and realize more projects. The larger production area gives us the opportunity to expand the production of the Soluxio series, including the Soluxio solar streetlighting and NxT solar bollards. The production facilities allow us to produce more solar roof tiles, starting with a first run for the demonstration roof that will soon be presented!
For more information about the products and projects, take a look at our website, or fill in the order form here. Do you have any questions? Please don’t hesitate and fill in the contact form here. We look forward doing business with you!
Our new office is just down the road, a few minutes away from the old one.
New address
Rotterdamseweg 368B
2629 HG Delft
The Netherlands
Please use this address as visiting address and shipping address for packages. For postal mail please use the following address:
FlexSol Solutions B.V.
PO Box 23
NL – 2600 AA Delft
The Netherlands