Did you visit the TechTalk Exposition?
If you are unable to visit the Soluxio solar pole at the many locations in the Netherlands, this is your chance. You can now visit the Soluxio at the TechTalk Exposition at the municipality office in Delft, the Netherlands. To explain, FlexSol was asked to showcase both the Soluxio solar pole and the solar roof tile among other innovations from Delft. So, go and see FlexSol’s famous solar products up close!
TechTalk Exposition
The city of Delft frequently pays attention to Delft’s finest technological innovations on the TechTalk page in the local newspaper. However, it is of course a lot more fun to see the innovations with your own eyes than to just read about them. Therefore, the city of Delft initiated the TechTalk Exposition. The exposition is a wonderful opportunity to check out the products of the future. Do not panic if you did not visit the exposition yet, because you are still able to do so till October 12th.
Video: join Lennert on location in Delft
The city of Delft and FlexSol’s CEO, Lennert van den Berg, went to visit a location near Delft. At this busy intersection near the A4 highway multiple Soluxio solar poles are installed. As you may already know, the Soluxio is a multipurpose solar pole which can be used for lighting, WiFi, cameras and much more. In this case, the Soluxio solar poles provide sustainable, energy-neutral, and eco-friendly lighting for road users at night. Easily installed and with a quick Return on Investment!